The Quick Draw is the perfect holster alternative, its a no-nonsense improvement for concealed carry. Easy to install or remove, positions your gun to lay flat and virtually disappears under a shirt or jacket . Weighs 1 ounce, just .035 inch thick. Fits all Glock 9mm, 40, 357 pistols. Works both left/right hand.
MIC + Quick Draw = Marriage Made in Heaven! PERFECT
Being slim, traditional inside-the-waistband holsters didn't work form me. They added too much bulk for true conceal carry no matter how small and thin they were. Thank God a couple of years ago I found the original MIC (minimal inside-carry) trigger-guard type holster. It is absolutely phenomenal! However, understanding that the average, real-life gun fights are over in 3 seconds, what kept me worrying all along was that, being slim, my baby Glock was not necessarily in exactly the same horizontal and vertical position each time I'd draw, especially with a tucked in shirt, after having walked, sat, or bent over. That was UNACCEPTABLE. Then MIC partnered with RockYourGlock to sell their Quick Draw both separately and as part of a kit. They're out of stock on the MIC site so I bought mine here, directly from the manufacturer. I was able to swap the slide cover place in a couple of minutes, screw on the bracket holster and go about testing it immediately. It absolutely solved my problem! It provides for exactly the same position of my pistol for every draw stroke I initiate. Now it's only a matter of hundreds of repetitions to build the proper draw stroke into muscle memory. The Quick Draw holster hasn't detracted from the MIC functionality, hasn't added any bulk or weight. It only added the visible clip. If that's a concern, I even tried to slip it over the edge of my pants waste UNDER the belt. But, so many people are clipping so many things to their belts nowadays, that I decided to use it as designed, over my Minotaur Holsters belt. (Another fabulous product.) My gear issue has been solved. Now I can relax and keep on training for the real life, using all the products by Pat Kilcherman's Conceal Carry University. Thank you RockYourGlock! I will eagerly promote the Quick Draw holster.