Black Spring Loaded Bearing 9mm Non-LCI. Do not use with LCI (loaded chamber indicator) extractor. Part number 7 on the Glock Schematic.
Brass to face issue with a 40-9 conversion barrel was resolved with this and the following parts ordered and installed...
"Just want to mention that the brass to face issue on a Glock 27 G27 Gen 2.5 with a Glock 23 G23 40-9 conversion barrel was resolved with this and the following parts ordered and installed... (1) glsp28927 sp28927 Glock Trigger Housing (Gen 4) 40 S&W (only use the 28926 ejector) (1) Glock OEM Extractor Dep Plunger Spring SP00119/ SP33522 (1) SP01176 Glock Spring Loaded Bearing 9mm & .380 Auto for Non-LCI Extractors, Black (1) SP00098 Glock Extractor 9mm (90°) for Old Style Non-LCI Slides w/ 90° Ejection Port Good luck and happy shooting!"
Apex extractor
Needed these for a Apex extractor up grade I was doing for my G34 and a Poly 80 full size I was putting all the high end parts in. I absolutely think this simple $3 part made all the difference on the custom build I didn’t even have to file the extractor pad to get the right tension. No BTF here and this thing will chew up and spit out steel case ammo like it’s cotton candy now.